December 4, 2023 / News, OilChat NUmber 81-90

Kinematic vs Dynamic Viscosity #OilChat 84

Informally viscosity is known as the ‘thickness’ of a fluid. You can therefore say the viscosity of a liquid is its resistance to flow.
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ancient use of grease
November 1, 2023 / News, OilChat NUmber 81-90

All-Purpose vs Multi-Purpose #OilChat 83

Over the centuries all sorts of materials have been employed as grease, including olive oil and animal fat mixed with lime.
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October 10, 2023 / News, OilChat NUmber 81-90

Oxidation – The Oil Killer #OilChat 82

Oxidation is an oil killer which can be described as a process in which oxygen combines with an element or substance.
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